We All Need Someone To Stay

I catch a dusty glimpse

of light dance across

Your face

               And I am called

               home again in your


I can so easily drift

away in laundry and

the smell of cleaning spray.

But you call me back

in the sweet groove

of the song on the

kitchen dance floor.

I may say—Well,

I will say

Many of the wrong things.

But I will always stay.

I will show up.

I will hold your hand

for as long as you

will allow.

Because we all need

someone to stay.

It will be messy

and bedraggled at times.

We will loose our way…..

          But I will always stay.

As I watch you grow,

I breathe and revel

in the marvelous human

you continue to become.

And when it’s time

to move along — live

a more separate life;

I pray I will always

Be YOUR Champion

And Perhaps from time to time….

groove on the kitchen dance floor

Cry tears of joy

And gracefully rail

against lifes’ weights.

And Smoosh our faces

in the scent of clean


Because we all need

someone to Stay.

I’ve Only Got One Love

You are someone I thought

only existed in my

silly teenage dreams


I would be your rebellious

drummer girl and we

would eat cake on

top of glass tables


But, with rising whispers

of two simple

Hallmark cards

~Love Appeared.


It was readily enmeshed

with awkward kisses

on thrift store couches

in those early days


We had nothing to possess

but what we chose to

grow and nurture

in Each Other.


I had no idea you were

my one love

until separation felt much

like I had forgotten

how to breathe.

And your return was

all bedazzled and shiny

–catching glimpses of

shiny smiles




You are my sanctuary.

In your presence ~

my world could disintegrate

and I know….

You will stay and hold me up

when nothing else can.


And when I am wild

and my passion becomes


(and let’s face it, it really does).


You are the quiet

Gentle tug

that calls me back to myself

–asking me with a simple look

To Re-Ground.

Come Center.


You ask me to Grow


Be. Come.


You cherish my wild

independence and

know that my whimsy

has its own way


You are my One Love.


With each day and

each passing breath,

We are ALL called back

to BE what we LOVE

To Honor who and what we Love.


I am not brave and beautiful

Because of you

~ but as long as I am those things

with you,

I am steady and confident

in the ME

that continues to grow

with this One Love.


Perhaps we can all grow in

our beauty,

Standing tall in

Our Own One Love.


Creating Sacred Space

Wherever We Go.

(even when she cusses

and fusses like that

rebellious dreamy teenager).


May we all be called home

in one Love.

Transforming and Transcending

Renewed each day with

Our One Love

And Perhaps.

Perhaps Tap in.

Touch the Divine

In You.

And In Me.


One Love.

*This Poem was Written and Shared at My Birthday Yoga @SouthernSoul Yoga, Macon
