Am I REALLY a Writer?


Rejection is one step closer, sister. Keep on. It is clear to me this is the path for you. MAKTUB. Just lean into it. It’s already done. All you gotta do is make sure your ass is in the chair and your fingers move. The rest will take care of itself. Love, G.” *


Recently, Glennon Melton wrote this message to a fellow writer following an interview and I just kept reading it over and over again. If you are unfamiliar, Melton is the author of Carry on Warrior  and writes in the image I wish to reflect in my own life. I don’t like finger waving preachy or telling someone how to live. I just want to show up, live and love to the best of my ability….fuck it up a whole bunch, hope for the best and write about my real life, an AWAKE life. It always feels like a disjointed beautiful mess, lots of Face Palms, and I love it, just the way it is.


Do you know I have dreamt for most of my adult life about writing my own book? I want the satisfaction of holding in MY hands something I birthed with my words. I am not sure how important it is to me that more than one copy exists!

What is keeping me? I have been blogging for almost a year now and perhaps that is not done with me yet. But, I can tell you, I do not give myself the space to sit MY ass in this chair and bang-bandigty-bang on these keys enough long enough.

I have something important to say, at least to myself. And if others want to listen. Bonus.

Just last night, I had the privilege of sitting with my BFF as she shared with me how she was finally making the decision to focus on what she loved and honor herself in a way that she has not for many years. I always knew she could do it. Can I?

Maybe one day both you and I will find the collective good of this life wrapped in a 3-D rectangle with a pretty picture and pretty words on the front.

Funny thing is, some days I think the fire in my belly will rot me away if I don’t make it real. Others, I am reminded I am already good enough so why am I so worried?


*check out the entire beautiful interview here:


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I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 20 years in practice. I am in love with people and our peculiarities.

7 thoughts on “Am I REALLY a Writer?”

  1. I was told by a “real” writer that she didn’t realize she was a writer until she felt ill when she didn’t write. You are a writer, and a really good one at that!

  2. I was just sitting with my ass in the chair and banging out words on my computer and hating them, and thought to myself, maybe my life-long dream of being a writer isn’t meant to be after all, then I switched over to facebook and saw this. Can’t be a coincidence! If you keep trying, I will!

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